La balanceadora de diagnóstico de ruedas más rápida del mundo, con un balanceo más rápido que cualquier balanceadora tradicional.
Pneu Express
"I have full confidence in the machines."
Hunter equipment is designed to save labor, freeing up techs to boost productivity. Strong in efficiency, speed and precision, Pneu Express CEO Sebastien Danneels sums up his shop’s experience with Hunter this way: “The advantage of working with Hunter equipment is the reliability of the machines.”
It’s also the flexibility and versatility, as described by Pneu techs. “I can easy switch from a tire changer to a wheel balancer, and at the same time receive customers,” one says. Large SUV or Porsche tires are also easy to handle.
“I have full confidence in the machines,” he says. “It just happens all by itself.”
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Road Force® Elite
Balanceadora de ruedas
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