Hunter ADAS Hub
Everything you need to know about ADAS, all in one convenient location. Explore our vast library of videos, articles, and educational tools.

Big or small, align them all
Hunter’s all-new HawkEye® XL alignment system features three-dimensional XL targets that are durable, low-maintenance and non-electronic.

It's about to get more ultimate
Alignment and static ADAS calibration done in the same bay, with the same equipment. Find out how Hunter's newest industry-leading equipment can revolutionize your shop today.

Take control of your
equipment, your numbers, and
your profitability
Hunter's new online portal, HunterNet® 2 is a revolutionary connected shop solution featuring real-time equipment data, online consumable ordering, and much more.

Hunter University
Find all of our various in-person and e-learning courses through Hunter's new training LMS, Hunter University.

Designed and Built in the USA
From raw steel to finished product. When you choose Hunter, you’re investing in more than 1,000 American workers.

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Featured Videos
Transform Your Shop's Efficiency with Hunter Engineering's Ultimate ADAS®!
Ryan McNamara, lead technician at Schaefer Autobody Centers shares how the Ultimate ADAS® has revolutionized their workflow.
Designed & Built in the USA
For 75 years, Hunter Engineering Company® has been designing and building automotive service equipment in the USA.
Big or small, align them all with HawkEye XL
Watch the HawkEye XL Hype Video.
WalkAway™ Operation
Watch a quick demonstration showing the use of Walkaway™ on the Revolution™ while balancing on the Road Force® Elite diagnostic wheel balancer.
Ultimate ADAS® Basic Operations: Introduction & Overview
Standard-defining alignment technology with the fastest and most precise target placement for ADAS calibrations
At Edmonton’s Canadian Tire, Hunter Equipment keeps techs on top
“With all the abuse we put it through, Hunter equipment does the job,” says automotive service manager Mike Slanisky.
See the Latest Hunter News

Hunter alignment systems approved for Mercedes-Benz Wheel Alignment Machine online integration
Access to new cloud-based database saves time and reduces risk for Mercedes-Benz dealers

Hunter introduces online ADAS Learning Tool
Interactive informational website is designed for both shops and consumers

Hunter’s Ultimate ADAS® returns to NADA with static coverage for 90+% of vehicles in operation
Revolutionary system combines world-class alignment with the fastest and easiest target placements